Charlestown Letter Discussing Cherokee Indians – 21 July 1776

The following extract is from a letter sent from Charlestown, South Carolina on July 21, 1776. The sender and recipient is unknown.

You are undoubtedly informed before this, that that detestable villain, Stewart, has prevailed upon the Cherokees to take up the hatchet against our countrymen. This, however, does not in the least intimidate us. Our people march forth against the Savages with all the alacrity and cheerfulness you can conceive, and with a full determined resolution to extirpate the whole tribe. The damage done to us by them is yet trifling. A number of the heads of the Tories in this Province, when they heard of the breaking out of the Indians, wrote to our Governour, and told him that they never dreamt the King would descend to such low and diabolical designs; that they were now willing to do everything in their power to assist their brethren in America. These are men of influence on the frontiers, and will be very useful against the Indians.

In a little brush with the Indians the other day, our people were successful; killed, wounded, and took prisoners, a considerable number. Colonel Mclntosh, of Georgia, with a party of his regiment, went out a few days ago to reconnoitre the situation of the two young Wrights, who are posted on St. Mary’ s River, which separates Florida from Georgia. When he came within two miles of their fort, he was fired on from an outpost of theirs; our Colonel returned the fire, killed one, and took nine prisoners; upon which the fort fired an alarm gun. The man-of-war below hearing this, immediately detached a barge with a Lieutenant and nine men; all these the Colonel thought proper to seize upon. In the brig lately taken here with Highlanders, on board was found about £600 sterling worth of goods.

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